



Xiangxi Crowne Plaza Hotel

  • 湖南-湘西旅游集散中心皇冠假日酒店由湘西自治州吉凤投资开发有限责任公司及湖南金湘玺置业有限责任公司投资兴建,是湘西第一家由总部在英国的洲际酒店管理集团管理的按照国际五星级标准建造的豪华商务度假酒店,坐落在湘西新的行政中心湘西经济开发区内,1300平方米灵活的会议场地,共9间会议室,最大房间容量680间豪华客房。
    Xiangxi Crowne Plaza Hotel is invested and constructed by Jifeng Investment Development Co., Ltd. of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture and Jinxiangxi Real Estate Co., Ltd. It is the first luxury business Resort Hotel in Western Hunan, which is managed by the Intercontinental Hotel Management Group headquartered in the UK and built according to the international five-star standard. It is located in the new administrative center of Western Hunan, Xiangxi Economic Development Zone. Within, 1300 square meters of flexible conference venue, a total of 9 conference rooms, the largest room capacity of 680 luxury rooms.
    The hotel has full-time dining room kitchen, open kitchen, Chinese dining room kitchen, banquet hall kitchen, administrative lounge, lobby bar, central processing kitchen and staff kitchen.